I'm a mama now and the days are filled with love and laughter, tears and frustration, cuddles and stress - LIFE happens and the time is just speeding up! It scares me and excites me and even if I know I'm still young and still got tons of life in me - It will happen - I will get to that point where I look back and wonder - where did it all go? Did I miss something?
Little gorgeous BunBun is already 20 months! Its just a wonderful time filled with new challenges and even more love - how can I still fit MORE ♡in there?
She is more "her own person" every day and I love the little person she is growing into! Its an amazing journey to be part of and I feel so blessed - so filled with love and pride over this tiny little person with so much to offer her surroundings. She's loving and playful and more and more indipendant and it's a pleasure seing how she interacts with kids and also the love and trust she shares with her caretakers at daycare - knowing she can learn and grow with wonderful mental and physical stimulation!
My baby is now a toddler and even though I selfishly miss the little baby stage - It is so rewarding and amazing being part of this development - guiding my "♡" to independence, to life. How can one do anything other than love her with all my being?
I thank the heavens for giving me this family, for blessing me with perfection and for filling my heart with unconditional love for them!
Happy 20 month "bday" my ♡, you are my all!